Tony Abbott AC, Prime Minister of Australia (2013 to 2015)
This is a remarkable book that I couldn’t put down and finished reading through a haze of tears. 'Officer A' has done much, suffered much, and overcome much. Reading Tiger! Tiger! Tiger! is like listening to a mate by your side taking you through the things most of us wonder about but never experience.
Ray Hadley OAM, Nine radio broadcaster
Two days in 2014 that no Australian will ever forget.
Mike Baird AO, Premier of NSW, (2014 to 2017)
'Officer A's story is an important reminder of the many heroes who played a role that day, the devastation it caused and the incredible toll it has taken.
Dawn O’Neil AM, Former CEO Lifeline and Beyond Blue
'Officer A's story reminds us of how much those in the front-line sacrifice to protect others, often resulting in lifelong physical and psychological injuries. Ben’s tactical training taught him to ‘confront the threat’ which he has courageously applied to live with and manage his PTSD.
State Coroner Michael Barnes
Coronial Inquest Findings
"Against what standard does one judge a man demanded to stare down death to save strangers. Who will dare say that they could have done better."
Louisa Hope, Lindt Café siege hostage
This account has filled the gaps and brought me great comfort. But more than that, it has helped me understand the true cost of the TOU’s service.

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Dan Himbrechts
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